Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Snowy Days

So here it is, the first blog of my future blogging life. It seems that everyone is jumping on their keyboard wagons and starting one, so I figured..."Why not??".

Ever since I can remember, I have loved snowy days! There is just something about the fact that you are almost always "stuck" inside the safe security of home that makes me so happy. Unless of course you are going on day 21 and there aren't any books that you have to read and you've watched so much television that your mind is not even in a state where it could pick out what a book even looks like if it was laying right in front of you.
Last night, however, I was able to discover that there was an unread book in the apartment, and by golly I still know how to open it and spell out a couple of the words inside! For Christmas I was given Veganomicon and how can one go wrong when it is from the same authors of Vegan with a Vengenace and Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World. So thanks to Meh, I am not only able to practice the basic words I learned in 2nd grade, but also put on my bakers hat and have at it in the kitchen. Along with the wonderful help of Susan-an amazing chef all on her own-I can now embark on making Almond Anise Biscottis, Jelly Donut Cupcakes, and maybe, just maybe, if I am oh so lucky, some BBQ Black-Eyed Pea Collard Rolls. Eat your hear out Tony Bourdain.

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