Tuesday, November 3, 2009

California Vegan, Straight to the Point

Down in Hollywood on Sunset Blvd there is a tasty little store appropriately named California Vegan. It is usually one of the first places that pops up when you type in "vegan" onto Yelp or Google Search so it was only a matter of time before we headed down there.

After walking up a little sweat from Hollywood Blvd to Sunset (no one in LA walks), I felt I deserved a good reward.

In every store front there is a rating as to how clean the restaurant is and most every place gets
an A, however, this place had about a B-, so we were a little nervous..better just split a sandwich.

Pretty much all of the specialty items were faux meat products
, and I am a sucker for some fo' chicken sandwich. So "Chicken" sandwich it was. Topped with tomato, lettuce and Veganaise I was quite pleased, yet anything that you smother with Veganaise is pretty much guaranteed an A+ in my book. The sandwich was also served with a basket of really fresh homemade tasting fries that was in a basket the size of my head. Dear Lord, they know what makes a girl happy! Pour some cookie dough batter on top and I would have gone into my own happy little coma. Since they didn't, though, California Vegan was nothing that I would most likely fight traffic for to eat again. I did enjoy the bright orange boothes- that was a fun experience I suppose.

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