Monday, April 5, 2010

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs...

Yeah for Easter! That means that I will have received a get out of work free card, and I love those cards! So Sunday was spent doing the normal thing, drinking lots of coffee mixed with some sugar and little bit of Men in Black thrown in there. Being the typical holiday, Brandon and I headed north with our furry son in tow. Bringing along stretchy pants for over indulgence. On the way up, however, Brandon was in some serious need of caffeine so we hit up the McDonalds...(hissss..) so that we could try those new Mocha Frappes, and damn it! They are actually quite tasty. I know there is probably a crap ton of yuckiness that goes into it, so I am just glad that they are not on their Dollar Menu as well.
Getting up to Meh's we were quickly sent out to pick up Grammy Hammy and bring her back in to embark on our food fest. Its always so nice to see the multiple generations together. When we arrived back at the house, I was quite surprised to see the most awesome cake I have ever seen before!
My mom had met this girl who use to be a baker up in Chicago and she is down here testing her skills for the locals, and well, her skills are out of this world. She was commissioned to make a "susu" cake. A Tim Burton in the springtime birthday cake..have fun with that one!
She totally pulled it off with the black and white and off balance layers of oh my god awesome Italian buttercream frosting. I have never tasted any dessert quite like it. I will "follow" her on facebook that's for sure.
To help balance out the sugar, my mom made an all vegan lunch for us. Red Bean veganaise salad that I could eat by the pounds, celebration roast (always a winner) vegetable biryani, mango and pineapple dish and some couscous mixture.
After all the food was eaten we all went for a big adventure in the woods, looking for crawfish. The boys are obsessed with all things strange. We know where it comes from...
To top off an awesome Easter/BDay day, I became the proud owner of another Matt and Nat bag!!! Love love love that line!
I hope you all had a fantastic Easter!!

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